Monday, May 4, 2020

not-to-be-forgotten authors: james hilton

Not-to-be-forgotten authors -- some have a cult following, some have titles studied as classics, some you may never have heard of if you're under a certain age, but all have been popularly read for pleasure, and are worth a seeking out for a good read.

James Hilton (1900-1954), best known for Lost Horizon and Goodbye, Mr. Chips, both of which were made into movies (and in both cases, in my opinion, the novels were much better) was a British author of psychological novels. Some, such as Lost Horizons or Random Harvest have an odd twist, a hint of unreliable reality, and often the main character is touched by the trauma of World War I in some way, but even so, most are, overall, gentle reads.

There's a list of his works, including any alternative U.S. titles, on his Wikipedia page.

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